

Cardiologist: Heart Care is one of the most important and under-appreciated aspects in Health Care, which is frequently put off and left to be dealt with later. This can end up being life-threatening! Ruby Medical Services is Ruby Medical Services we strive to offer the most effective and the most advanced technology for your heart.

Cardiovascular disease encompasses a variety of ailments that impact your heart’s structure and function. Research has shown that cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death for males in India. Also, it is the most frequent reason for hospitalizations among people over 65 years old.

Therefore, it is essential to be aware of your heart, in order to avoid heart disease.

The phrase “heart failure” can be scary. It doesn’t mean that it means that the heart “failed” or stopped working. It’s a sign that the heart doesn’t work as efficiently as it is supposed to. This leads to water retention and salt retention that cause shortness of breath and swelling. The shortness and swelling of breath are among the most common signs of heart failure.

In Ruby Medical Services we aim to know the steps that lead to heart attacks, thereby being aware of the primary risk factors involved. The primary factors that can trigger heart problems include the high pressure in blood vessels, cholesterol levels in addition to smoking, obesity, and a life that is sedentary. Stress can also increase the risk of having an attack. Exercise and excitement could be triggers for heart attacks.

Therefore, we strive to offer the highest quality 24/7 services for your heart. Care solutions in Pune that are devoted to give you the opportunity to live a more healthy life!


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