Stress Test

Exercise Stress Test


Stress tests, also called a treadmill or exercise test, can help your doctor determine the way your heart can handle its load. When your body performs more vigorously in the course of testing, it needs more energy, and your heart is forced to pump more blood. The test will show the potency of blood circulation through the arteries during the stress.

The Stress test is used for:

  • Check if there’s enough blood flow through your heart during increased levels of activity.
  • Assess the efficacy of your heart medication for controlling ischemia and angina.
  • Assess the probability of having coronary heart disease and the need to conduct a further examination
  • Verify the effectiveness of the techniques used to improve blood flow to the heart vessels for patients with coronary heart disease
  • Recognize heart rhythms that are irregular
  • Help you develop a safe exercise program


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