Diagnostic Services facilitates the provision of cost-effective, timely and top quality diagnosis in secure and safe environments. It covers the clinical aspects in the fields of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Radiology as well as Nuclear Medicine . They are utilized in contexts of ambulatory care as well as acute treatment, mental health, rehabilitation and geriatric care. The employees of diagnostic services at the facility comprise nurses, doctors technologists, technicians and administrators and analysts and program assistants. The combination of the diagnostic services and employees to form an inter-disciplinary group allows the exchange of knowledge and allows for uniformity in practices and guidelines.



We are among the top pathology centers and diagnostic labs in Pune. Our modern equipment and ingenuous sample handling methods ensure that we are among the best pathology laboratories in Pune.

Radiology is the field of medicine that makes use of magnetic waves, X-rays, and ultrasound to get clear images of the interior part of our body. Doctors then can use these images to diagnose ailments and illnesses as well as aid in developing treatment strategies.

Stress tests, also called a treadmill or exercise test, can help your doctor determine the way your heart can handle its load. When your body performs more vigorously in the course of testing, it needs more energy, and your heart is forced to pump more blood. The test will show the potency of blood circulation through the arteries during the stress.

Audiometry test is the test that aids in determining the kind of hearing loss.

Pure Tone testing – This is through the use of earphones and the audiometer. Pure tones are sent to one ear at time, and you are required to let us know when you can hear the tone.

Speech audiometry can aid the doctor in detecting repeated spoken phrases at various volume levels that are heard by headsets.

The pulmonary function tests comprise a set of tests that test how well the lungs absorb air and expel it, as well as the speed at which they transfer gasses like oxygen from the atmosphere to the circulatory system of the body.


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